Easy Way to Get Stacks of Determination on Lfr Ghuun

The whole party calls Mike babygirl I can feel it in my bones

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As tragic and gut-wrenching as Jimmy's finale was, the way he seemingly waited all of five seconds before deciding fWhip was Absolutely For Sure Permanently Dead is hilarious to me. He didn't even check the rubble... didn't check any possible respawn points...the guy could have been actively being dragged out of the blast zone by his dogs while Jimmy was watching and he wouldn't have even had time to see it before he went "nope! He's a goner" and flew away...unobservant king <3

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Hangman Adam Page vs Konosuke Takeshita + signature/finishing moves

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It's Me Birthday

Today, I celebrate my 33rd birthday.  Kind of amazed I've evaded the death eaters this long after stealing the life force of that poor bastard from over the pond, but since I'm still here, feel free to send me any asks ye like, be 'em kink-based or otherwise!

Unless you're one of the death eaters trying to send me back to hell for my sins.  In which case, I should warn you that I've layered my apartment with garlic.  Yes, that only works on vampires, but it WILL be quite pungent.  So your move, demons...

...I dunno what the hell I'm on about either.  I'm old, shut up.  'XD

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the finance title of luke pearce

wc: 1.6k, its a long one bois

Luke Pearce, Finance and Technology Expert sent by the NSB to the NXX, code name Raven. nothing out of place there, right? WRONG. the finance part of that title is fishy fishy and i'm gonna deep deep dive into what i think that singular title implies for the rest of the game going forward. take a seat and kick up your feet, its time to go.

hello internet, welcome to game theory the show-- lmaoo jk hi! its me again back at it. but today we put on the tinfoil hat and read into something that was probably a translation error but at the same time could have been intentional and what that means for the game itself.

luke, when he introduced himself to the nxx, said he was part of the finance and technology division of the nxx. though we know through his lil davis blurb that he has a masters in bioengineering. also, given his training, we know that he has the capabilities and skill sets to be a field operative. what kind of training is required for financial crimes? the actual apprehension of those committing crimes gets rallied off to other departments. why the hell would they do that? because they had to get someone from the government into the nxx without rousing suspicion.

thats right folks, im presenting you with this theory: lucas pearce may be a nsb mole for the nxx. let me walk you though this theory.

for one, we know some of luke's skill set though the shit he's done in events such as sotn, lost gold, and hell skadi too. let's list them out

has gone undercover for missions and information recon (alluring gaze, a star in the palm)

has diving experience (lost gold)

uncanny strength (sotn)

hacking prowess (main story 5, sotn)

astute analytical skills linked to detective work and able to identify chemical compounds (skadi, main story 1)

some of these skills can be attributed to training with the nsb and his own prowess, especially with the chemical compounds since we know he has a masters in bioengineering. but not once in his skillset does he have anything relating to finance. so, what gives, luke?

see, luke is no stranger to lying to other people or reading people so he can get the information he needs. its brief, but we do see him actually lie to the whole of the nxx in lost gold. its more lying through omission but he does say he has 'work to do' but he doesn't say that he was sent by the nsb to do so up until the end of the trip. hell, he popped some joints from a guy in lost gold to get his info. see, this makes me think luke is more of a information gathering agent. in a star in the palm he couldn't really lie to rosa (as a weakness) but he tried. he tried denying that he had been in stellis before they reunited. thats what makes luke a ruthless agent, he's willing to do a lot to get to his objectives. we know he does engage in combat (re his 2nd birthday art, i haven't read it) and it would be wise for the one gathering info to be trained to fight and be deadly, right?

but okay, if luke is a mole, what's the point? what does the nsb want? because we know for sure that luke was assigned through the nsb (i think the last part of chapter 4 alludes to this where aaron gives luke his assignment.) so we know that the nsb is the puppetmaster to luke's puppet, right? is luke even aware that he's a mole?

i can answer one of the questions, but the rest have two different possibilities. the first one is what the nsb wants. they want information on the nxx drug and when they find the samples of it. we know through the tidbits given to us that the nxx was created out of sampled from flora x, which has some type of gene repairing properties even though it caused a pandemic and the drug itself has effects on the body's hormone production that can ultimately lead to someone's death. the samples used to create this drug were supposedly destroyed, but we know that's not the case. i think the nsb wants whatever they can get their hands on (the drug, the samples) so that they can start their own research when it comes the gene repairing properties. the properties flora x, and by proxy the nxx drug, have can essentially provide the nsb with a hail mary- a way to keep agents for longer.

with the nxx group going around and sticking their metaphorical noses into the blunt of these cases, its safe to assume that the nsb wants to be kept informed about whats going on and their progress regarding how close they are to closing herrison down. all so they can swoop in and start where herrison left off. but what's their end goal? i don't know, actually. i'm going off on global server knowledge (and a bit on cn server, but we get parts 1&2 on chapter six soon so i don't think it'll matter anyway) there's no real indication of the nsb end goal. we don't see luke reporting back, we don't see him communicating with aaron about this.

next question: does luke pearce know he might be a mole for the nsb? this one i don't have much of an answer to, but i can give you my opinions on both.

i think the most probable one is that he does know he's a mole. one thing that clues me in on this is that luke does an alarming amount of undercover work, or at the very least is comfortable with undercover work. i know i mentioned this before but luke has no qualms about lying to people if it means getting information from others. and then theres alluring gaze and a star in the palm themselves where luke has gone undercover to find out information. it would make sense for him to be aware that he is a mole. that would technically explain his reaction when it came to mc being in the nxx. when he found out about them being in the organization his first reaction was to ask them to leave because it could be dangerous. i believe that luke wanted to shield mc from any of the things he has to do in order to get all the information and dip. it would also make sense for luke to know and come up with his own cover. in alluring gaze we know that luke is shit at coming up with names for his undercover-sona, who says thats where it stops? the finance thing could have been his idea.

theres also the other school of thought- that he doesn't know he's a mole and that he genuinely thought he was there to help. this makes sense with luke's personality itself. luke often sees himself as someone who is not worth it and, to be frank, a bit disposable at times. this sentiment has to be a product of his surroundings, both growing up and his time at the nsb. for him to be used as a puppet for the nsb makes sense.

there's also a bit where luke's sickness comes into play: a theory i have is the nxx drug/exposure to flora x caused the illness he faces, and the nsb is holding that over his head. if he's aware that he's a mole, he could be dong it because the nsb offered to save him using their research on flora z/the drug. if he isn't aware that he's a mole, he could be motivated to do this particular mission because it deals with the thing that made him ill.

but what does that mean for the rest of the story? what's the point? as of right now, there isn't one. this is just a rabbit hole, but if you stick with me for a bit i can tell you my last theory: luke is meant to go rogue from the nsb regardless if he knows he's a mole or not.

see, mhy has been doing things lately that deal with AUs a lot, and i think its more to test where the stories could be headed. and i think that one of those 'ideas' they're testing is luke going rouge. we know from the ancient china and ancient egypt cards (that i have only the vaugest understanding of, i don't really like spoiling things for myself) is that luke is a mercenary that somehow turns on the government, or at least has some disdain for the government. so, what can the government (nsb) do to luke to make him go rogue? simple, withhold the cure to his illness or withhold information from him. if he's aware he's a mole, all they have to do to get on his bad side would be not tell him what they're doing with the drug and not giving him the cure. same for if he doesn't know, only with the additional revelation that he's been the mole the whole time.

but yeah. that's how one simple title can lead you through the rabbit hole that is theoryland. thanks for reading! :D (yall can send me asks about this if you have thoughts about this too!! :DD)

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also, big inspiration from this came from the theory chain i had with lukepearcing, if you wanna read that you can do so here!

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Amy: Isaac, what is something you can't live without?

Isaac: *blushes slightly* Why are you asking?

Amy: Okay, how about you, Samual?

Isaac: What-

Samual: Uhm...well. We can't live without quite a few things, Amy. Take, for example, food! To survive, everyone requires food. Going without food can be harmful to your body. Because, as you know, our bodies require energy from food sources, and without them, our bodies cannot function properly. The same is true for water. Water is an excellent source of hydration, and a lack of it will disrupt the minerals in your body. Another consideration is sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause health problems such as immune system weakness, hallucinations, and cognitive impairment. I would recommend the amount of sleep that most people require, but this varies depending on your age. But more importantly, everyone requires oxygen. I'm sure it's self-evident, but without oxygen-

Amy: H-HEY, Samual!! That was extremely...informative!! B-But I was kinda expecting a different response, hehe...

Samual: ….*realizes* ….*covers his face with his hands* Kill me now-

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As he ran for the hills to escape the prison and his pursuers, Dream nearly came to a halt at something he saw.

It was only for a brief moment, but he crossed eyes with someone in the near-distance who had the same face as him.

But the face he saw didn't perfectly mirror his own, it was like seeing a younger version of himself- less scarred and permanently changed by the things he'd done and experienced.

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tmi for the day, but today's a day when the h*rny thoughts just like won't stop

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Terms of endearment or nicknames // pet names with the Akudama

Note: Random post as I've always thought about this kind of thing with Cutthroat. These are entirely my personal opinion though, so if they seem out of character, that may just be why. I don't think it's too jarring though.... I THOUGHT WHY NOT POST IT

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Oh my, I love her... I'd like to think she gets a little flustered at first if the roles are reversed and she's on the receiving end of being called something endearing.

She probably gets flustered trying to use terms of endearment at first too.

After a while it may come naturally to her and be something she uses as a tease.

Swindler using cutie as a term of endearment is the first thing I thought of when thinking of her in this context— I'm not too sure why..

Swindler feels like someone who'd call you a nickname more so though, if not just your name. Especially when the nickname stems from an inside joke or conversation—

She forgets it's just a you and her thing too, so people are confused when she first talks about you and she forgets to use your real name—


I feel as though nicknames are something Brawler may use kind of often once he gets used to using them? But he's not using anything too cutesy sounding.

Bro if you're by any chance Hoodlum..

As far as terms of endearment....not often.... definitely just a nickname kinda guy.

He probably calls you a nickname related to food too....

This one isn't gender neutral, but "My girl" oddly feels like something he'd use...it's not necessarily a term of endearment either, but it's definitely something I'd see him using when he's referring to his s/o..

If you use any term of endearment on him he'll likely feel as though you're questioning his strength in some way...but more likely than not confused..

"What's with the frilly names?"

I'll add these at the end as they're definitely just personal perception, but the term sweet cheeks came to mind with Brawler....as well as him using meatball as a nickname—


Oh goodness, she's really good at describing words when she's referring to people... she'd likely use nicknames or endearments often in some context. Insult, sarcasm, or not...

Sweetheart or dear....not always in a kind way either, but...

Self-indulgent perhaps as it's one of my favorite words...but doll?

"Well aren't you just a doll?"

Your nickname more often than not with her may have something to do with your appearance or her personal feelings towards you...

She sees someone else using terms of endearment as somewhat revolting I feel like...or maybe just demeaning in a sense to her as that's what she can tend to use them for...

Use something unique enough though and maybe you'll pique her interest.


He calls you by your name and that's how he likes it. There's really no need to come up with a pet name when yours works perfectly fine.

Although some of the options do interest him a little...

I could see him calling someone his player 2

Or you two would have an inside joke and that becomes your nickname for a little while.

Calling him anything though...

Depending on the term of endearment and how close you are to him, he may not even acknowledge you said it by letting it happen and then continuing to talk.

...Or he'd find it straight up cringe worthy...why are you doing this to him?

Demeaning even...

He may like it though...only if it's something that'll make him raise an eyebrow. Unexpected, you could say.


He's tried out at least every term of endearment ever....hit or miss.

I feel as though Hoodlum has potential to use several terms of endearment and rarely sticks to one... but it's like a rotation. Maybe one he'll use a little more than the others or he'll go through phases where he just uses one.

He also feels like someone who'd use them with strangers depending on how confident he's feeling around them...only to possibly regret the choice of words after thinking about it for too long....or maybe he thinks he sounded really cool

This is absolutely soul crushing, I don't know why either, but I can see him using babe...

I wanted to say dude or bro, but I just can't see Hoodlum using that in a romantic sense...unless it's with Brawler..


Toots... (like Jinx uses from Arcane...)

I'm putting honey and pumpkin on the list too. Honey // Hun feels like something he'd use. Pumpkin though? A little...

Hoodlum gets flustered at anything endearing you call him, but he definitely doesn't want you to stop calling him it...


I can just barely see him using someone's name if I'm honest...he seems like the kind of person to refer to you as shithead and only that....or just not refer to you at all and expect you to know he's talking to you...

Who else is he really talking to anyways though...?

He tends to use things that can be seen as insults. They're like a different way of telling you he cares about you....

When he's calling you a nuisance, he's doing it because he cares. Can't say the same for anyone else he's saying it to though...

Courier doesn't mind too terribly if you call him any sort of terms of endearment either and it always interests him a little to see what nicknames you come up with. He's not gonna stop you with terms of endearment, but an annoying nickname may earn you a tongue click.

At some point, if you just call him Courier after using a nickname long enough, he'll be a little put off guard..


No one could have guessed, but angel.

Emphasis on the my before it though. It always has to have MY in front of it.

I, myself struggle to see Cutthroat using any other sort of terms of endearment if I'm honest... probably because I like angel so much that I'm somewhat blinded to the others. Although, I have seen others use my dear, my dearest, (my dearest may work, especially in the circumstance he uses angel afterwards...)

"My dearest angel..." ....yeah I can see it—

Possibly "my flower" ....but maybe he'd just compare you to one instead?

"Looking at you is like watching a flower in full bloom..~ .....Ah-! Do you bloom like one too..!?"

I think Cutthroat seems to be a nickname kind of person as well, but it's a play on your name if it's not short enough already.

He'd also like to be given a nickname! It makes him feel special to you. Just make sure they're nice....I feel like he'd be a little upset if you pulled a Courier on him—? He may just ignore it more often than not too...

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shirou telling off michiru for doing something stupid/"well OBVIOUSLY you can't do that in anima city, didn't anyone tell you??" and she pauses through her scavenge for bandaids like "but that's your job?" and he takes 50 damage points.

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it is such a wonderful feeling to know just how loved you are

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How did I do? 👉👈🥺

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I've never blessed my ability to keep a poker face more than in the moment when my sis asked me: "Luffy will save Ace, right?"

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also i'm gonna say it . i'm glad people think felix is a more competent villain than gabey (even if it's an extremely low bar) but without gabriel akumatizing froggy boy, marinette wouldn't have given the dog miraculous to felix in the first place !! because she was UNDER THE EFFECT OF RISK . felix's plan was a result of GABRIEL'S aid . goddamn

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man cerise talking to sico right now feels really insane,

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I just imagine that a bit before the release of a new album Taylor just sends her dad a box chock full of guitar picks and is like "have fun!"

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Source: https://www.tumgir.com/tag/technically%20he%20did%20as%20he%20was%20told

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